15 Mar 2018

Sentireascoltare Reviews Mamuthones Fear on the Corner

It reads:

I would mention the end to talk about this new record of the Mamuthones. From that Here We Are that seems to cry out to the world its existence, if there was still need, but maybe even yes, at least here in our house where we are champions in making no prophet at home. As if that hypnotic mega-trip that takes and makes oblong a form of psychedelia that looks like a "turn of the day in eighty worlds", pulling in the middle the Balinese gamelan as the white post-funk-punk forms that roamed in England little pre-Thatcherian, a mantra to be repeated in loop to infinity as the raids first-second-third-quartomondiste plate Ze Records et filii tutti, was an ideal snapshot of the formation.

Stuff that sends the brain to the point that you would press replay to infinity; to the point that if there was the possibility to choose only one track to listen to ad libitum post-mortem, this would probably be one of the small group to choose from; to the point that it concludes a work reconnecting itself to the origins of the sound of the formation, although this Fear On The Corner is a sort of new beginning, a new phase in the training of Alessio Gastaldello....

Read the rest of it here: Sentireascoltare
