'Passers-by look a little bemused to see a mass gig goers gathered outside the old Victorian schoolhouse-come-community centre; clearly The Golden Cabinet is one of West Yorkshire’s best kept secrets. There’s something genuinely commendable about what they’ve achieved, a collective of like-minded promotors who have been responsible for a number of experimental and frequently impressive gigs in Shipley’s Kirkgate Centre.
It doesn’t initially seem like the kind of place where you would find the likes of Worriedaboutsatan and Shit ‘n’ Shine. The former in particular seems wonderfully at odds with the charity shop down the road that informs us, in large muti-coloured letters, that ‘Jesus Lives’. It might be Jesus, the Devil, the large range of local ales available at the bar or even the range of eclectic acts performing but something keeps the punters coming back to The Golden Cabinet.'
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