26 Apr 2021

Indie Rocks interviews J. Zunz

They say:

The force Lorena Quintanilla imbues Lorelle Meets The Obsolete is unique, her stage presence and how they connect with the audience, show us the commitment to the music, but he listen to his solo project J. Zunz us It allows us to get into it in an intimate way, to know their concerns and their desires, finding ourselves as you also listen to them.

Under the pseudonym J. Zunz , last year Lorena presented us with Hibiscus , the second production of this project born in 2017 with the album Silente . In this new album with electric melodies he shares a support for all his listeners, he presents us with eight songs that with deep atmospheres accompany anger, desire and the illusion of letting society make us feel less. I was able to chat a bit with her and this is what she told me about the short summary she wrote about her latest material...

Read the rest here: Indie Rocks
