18 Nov 2020

New video revealed for Autotelia track 'Thinking Makes It So'

"Parallels the blissful drift of Cluster’s ‘II’, the overheated ampstacks of prime Spacemen 3 or the becalmed modernism of Eno."


We are delighted to share the guitar-scorched heat-haze track 'Thinking Makes It So', the last video from the amazing Autotelia album 'I' that was released a few months ago.

After the initial sad news of Tom's passing we held off sharing this video but it feel's a good time to get it out there for you to all engage back in Tom's & Demian's music again.

The video is super 8 footage of London and landscapes filmed by Julian Hand & fed through Antonio Curcetti's video synthesiser, watch it above.

Demian had this to say about the track:
"This track evokes a lot of memories for me as I believe it’s from the first session that Tom and I recorded properly. “Thinking Makes It So” was recorded in a rehearsal room in Stoke Newington called Audio Underground, back in 2009, at wall-shaking volume using an Ampeg 8x10 and a fender Twin both cranked to the max.

It was recorded in one take and then many years later, when we got around to revisiting some of our earlier sessions, a few guitar overdubs were added at the end. Listening back it’s a reminder of how easy it was to lock in together and it was kind of surprising that we didn't mess it up, as I seem to remember us laughing afterwards about it with ringing ears. The title was one of Tom’s when we had to come up with some track names last year, and is an apt one given the ethos of the project to not have an end in sight and not over-produce anything as Autotelia and just to create for the sake of creating, and simply to be in the moment.."

Also grab the last copies available here:

Thanks for all your support on this, Tom would be very happy that people immersed themselves fully into this project.
