16 May 2014
Introducing 'The World is Yours' fund raising compilation that features unreleased Rocket music
Introducing a fundraising compilation for Peter Kemp, an great music fan and journalist. The compilation features has a mind blowing line-up of bands and includes two stunning unreleased Nighthammer remixes of Rocket tracks.
Gnod – Genocider (Nighthammer remix)
Goat – Run to your Mama (Nighthammer remix)
This is what Andy from Riot Season says about this compilation:
"'The World Is Yours' is a download compilation that myself and Joe from Hey Colossus have been busy compiling since the end of last week.
The compilation is to honour a great bloke, Peter Kemp and is to raise some much needed £££ for some great causes. There are (at least SEVENTY BANDS) involved and the download will cost you just FIVE QUID (with the option to pay more if you so wish of course) ... CRAZY CHEAP and CRAZY GOOD.
You can download the mammoth comp (God knows how long it'll take to download mind ... Ha!) here http://peterkemptheworldisyours.bandcamp.com/ from around 10am.
There are plenty of Riot Season bands involved, plenty of other folks you'll know of and plenty that may be surprisingly good new discoveries. What's to lose ?
And by all means PLEASE DO SHARE THIS INFO/FLYER around, if you're a twitter user, please hashtag any posts #PeterKemp if possible to.
Andy x"
So, please it is for a good cause so go and buy the comp….we have heard the HEY COLOSSUS track and it is monumental, maybe their best ever work, so worth a fiver alone!!!!