23 Feb 2017

Freq reviews Julie’s Haircut – Invocation And Ritual Dance Of My Demon Twin

It reads:

"Julie’s Haircut has been turning any preconceptions about the idea of Italian music on their heads for the best part of twenty years. I remember catching them with Sonic Boom in Bristol some ten years or so ago, and the record they released together at the time expanded minimal psychedelic guitar repetition in two different directions. All these years later, the latest album and their first for the ever-reliable Rocket Recordings finds them with just a toe dipped in the ever-expanding ocean of psychedelic music, but with the rest of their body stretched into ever disparate genres; and this evokes a greater sense of freedom then perhaps would be expected.

This is the band’s seventh long player and finds them taking the odd cue from Miles Davis and Can, but more in the way that they use space and the sense of freedom that comes from music built with repetition as its base note. The songs are not written in the conventional sense, but emerge from improvisation, the band latching on to the song once it makes itself apparent and this method is perhaps what does lend Invocation And Ritual Dance Of My Demon Twin a sense of wonder..."

Read the rest here: Freq
