Yes, our fave new magazine has its second issue out now, this is what their press release says:
Interviews with one of THEE most influential musicians to come from
these shores in the last 25 years - Pete Kember
Plus features on Asteroid No4,Follakzoid, Gnod, Lumerians, Magic Lantern, Mugstar, Paperhead, The Psychedelic Schafferson Jetplane, Watch Out!, White Fence
Interviews with one of THEE most influential musicians to come from
these shores in the last 25 years - Pete Kember
Plus features on Asteroid No4,Follakzoid, Gnod, Lumerians, Magic Lantern, Mugstar, Paperhead, The Psychedelic Schafferson Jetplane, Watch Out!, White Fence
Articles on The Chilean Psychedelic Underground, Broadcast, Captain Sensible and his psych Guitar Playing, Memories Of (((Loop))) by Simon Price of The Heads, Tales Of A Deadhead,
56 pages of psychedelia!!
Buy yourself one of these essential reads here