26 Jun 2018

Storia Della Musica reviews Lay Llamas' 'Thuban'

They say:

Bizarre tipino, Philip K. Dick. The ontogenesis of Valis , the first chapter of the trilogy of the same name, is marked ex-abrupto by an inexplicable apparition: the lightning-like materializing of vortices of light in rotation apparently harmonious with the whirlwind of Dick's disconnected thoughts. A synaesthetic perceptive communion that, in the words of Massimo Padalino, will raise in the writer " Pain. Amazement. LOSS "( Space is the place) Stories of space, stories of spaces, Bologna, Meridiano Zero, 2016, p. 206) and will induce him to radically rethink the network of spatio-temporal relations with which he interacted in his own double reality, literary and phenomenal. It would be simple and simplistic to read in the Dickian photophony the revealing "illumination" that obscures the retinas and purifies the soul of a Saul of Tarsus of psychic science fiction: also because every light, however blinding, presupposes an equally pervasive, piercing shadow. . Thus, pearl of the constellation of the Dragon, the magnitude of Thuban was also unchallenged (adaptation of the Arab thu'bān , indicatively "serpent", and here the rest of the connections with the world ofItalian Occult Psychedelia will make it the most careful reader ...), at least until the advance in astronomical time has not turned into advancing in space: the polar star of the past was dethroned, cannibalized by the eternal cycle of succession that regulates universal existence broadly...

Read the full review here: Storia Della Musica
