'At times her work approaches the supersonic escape velocity of Tony Conrad; elsewhere, she introduces delicate repeating threads, then slowly weaves them into a fabric of vast, billowing sound more reminiscent of Steve Reich. With an elegant command of melody and a strident use of rhythm, Max manages to create a remarkably accessible collection of tracks, one that bridges the gaps between minimalism, post-classicism, the avant garde, krautrock, and plain old-fashioned pop. « This Silver String » is a genre-bender for certain, and a fine debut by any definition.'
(Boomkat review for This Silver String)
Catch KURO piece play live at the great Baba Yaga Rocket Recordings summer all dayer at The Corsica Studios on 20 August:
The line-up announced so far is:
Teeth of The Sea
Gum Takes Tooth
Necro Deathmort
Launch of our Intergalactic Pale Ale
Plus merch room, DJs and BBQ.
Tickets are available from here: Baba Yaga Hut