30 Oct 2010

Rocket Probes October 2010 Playlist

La Otracina – Reality has got to Die
(New album from this bunch of NY space metallers...great to see Mission Control fave ‘Raze the Sky on vinyl at last!!!)

Six Finger Satelite – Law of Ruins
(Recently had a record session at Kid Millions place and he picked this out saying it was a huge influence on him and Oneida...was pretty blown away by it and and managed to track it down and been listening to it loads since...some great psych moments on this nicely repetitive rock record!!!)

The Telescopes – Taste
(This absolute classic album of fuzz wah infested shoegaze punk has been finding itself on the turntable a lot this month, absolute killer album)

Brian Eno – Babys on Fire (BBC Radio session)
(A really great (slightly faster) version that can be found on this what I presume is an Italian bootleg which comes in a nice silkscreened sleeve)

Fabulous Diamonds – Fabulous Diamonds II
(Ultra repetitive Silver Apples’esque album, that also brings to mind Faust, Pit Er Pat and the amazing Urdog...really good stuff, especially the first and last mantras...once again, thanks Kid!)

Miles Davis – Dark Magus
(70's electric experimentation, dark, dense, space afro funk with Can vibes layered with wah wah)

Gum Takes Tooth - 001 001 001
(Thunderous rampaging noise released on floppy disc packaged CDR - from our favourite circuit board destroying noise band)

Sound Carriers - Celeste
(Vintage psychedelic folk fusion in the same vein as Broadcast)

The Beatles - Pepper / Magical Mystery Tour / Yellow Submarine
(Psychedelic period selected tracks)

John Cale & Terry Riley - Church of Anthrax
(Extended proto raga grooves)
