Les Rallizes Denudes – Heavier Than a Death in the Family / Blind Baby has it’s Mothers Eyes
(Great to finally hear these on vinyl!!!!! If you get the chance check out the guitar sound Paddy from Gnod is peddling at the moment....has a good touch of Denudes to it...noisy!!!!!)
Rother and friends – Live at Primavera
(Was lucky enough to actually catch this live, but nice to of found a download of the whole set)
One Unique Signal – Villians to Man EP
(To say they sound like the Heads is an understatement, even though they don’t hit the ‘third layer of fuzz’ you get from The Heads, they do make a bloody good fuzzed up noise, looking forward to seeing them play with Part Chimp on September 4th!!)
Boris with Michio Kurihara – Rainbows
(Bring on the FUZZZZ!!!)
Animal Collective – Oddsac soundtrack
(Repetitive and sometimes very surreal psychedelic pop...bit like what they were doing at their ‘Song Tungs’ period)
Amanaz - Africa
(Zambia’s 70s “Zamrock”, fuzz guitars, stoned chants and funky drums)
Witch - Lazy Bones
(More Zamrock Pop)
Gnod - Deadbeat Disco In Paper Error Shocker!
(Ok, incredibly biased here as this track featured as part of the Supernormal set, but this version (recorded in Bristol) from the Science & Industry cassette has been on rotation on our decks, keep your ears out for a studio version of Tony's.....to be released on Rocket in the future!)
Wolfgang Dauner - Et Cetera
(Far-out-psych-out, Kraut Jazz)
Count Ossie & The Rasta Family - Man From HIgher Heights