We have just about recovered from this years Supernormal festival which was a right blast...
Gnod's set were amazing, absolutely brain crushingly brilliant, best live experience this year if not in a few years, they came across like an early Hawkwind meets a Kraut Happy Mondays! Also Rocket's own Johnny O' became their dancer for the evening dressed like someone out of the Arkestra, however John's performance was not quite Stacia or Bez...more like an S1W with a sudden burst of Michael Barrymore thrown in....all I can say was it was amazing!!!!
If anyone has any more photo's of this amazing performance please let us know as we want to put them up here!!...email them to: rocketrecordings@yahoo.co.uk
Other great performances of the weekend came from Bong, Faust, Thought Forms, TOTS DJ set, Big Naturals, Sunday Mourning, Alexander Tucker, Hyrst, Gnods DJ set, Imbogodem, Proxy Music, The A-band and a big shout out to Rex Remo and the Psychick Selfdefenders who's set on the saturday created one of the most surreal live experiences we have ever witnessed, astounding!!!
You can read a great review of the weeekend here: http://rottenmeats.blogspot.com/2010/08/supernormal.html
& some more photo's of the event:
See you next year