A hypnotic album that stands out for the balance between extrasensory intensity, ecstasy and anger. A record that has been made, through a singular osmosis process, by a band that is sure of itself so as to let the subconscious and metaphysical elements guide it in the right direction. A collection of evocative and coherent pieces, which see the mantric intensity we had known with the debut of the Italian band on Rocket Recordings (Uk), "Invocation And Ritual Dance Of My Demon Twin" (2017), expanding towards an incandescent splendor. Whether it is the profound ecstasy of 'Lord Help Me Find The Way' (as if the Spiritualized were catapulted into the Berlin of the '70s), of the threatening dream of' In Return ', or of the psychic aggression to the Suicide present in' Sorcerer ', everything is characterized by a singular boldness in the management of a colorful storm of electronics, tint of jazz, atonality and memorable vocal hooks. And yet, for all this - and paradoxically - 'In the Silence Electric' is the most adventurous and direct record of this mysterious and rebellious band.
Read the full review here: System Failure