6 Aug 2019

Gli Stati Generali interviews Mamuthones

They say:

The interview is organized by the Indica radio program team , broadcast on Radio Sherwood : Matteo Molon and Salvatore Caruana.

As soon as Sherwood Festival ends it is nice to know that in Padua literally "the music continues". This is allowed by two factors: 1) groups of youngsters * who slam a lot to organize spaces and festivals dedicated to music, socializing and culture; 2) a city that has always lived an enviable underground musical movement.

In the first case we find, among others, the Arcella Bella team , which for the second year in a row gives life to the Milcovich Park in the Arcella district, contributing to the urban regeneration of the area. In the second case, instead, there is one of the fundamental bands of the Paduan subculture: the Mamuthones . As Indica we have been following the occult-psychedelic scene for some time, and finally on Friday 13 July we had the opportunity to interview the legendary group that played in the frame of the Arcellano festival.

The evening went by everything except as scheduled: on the stage the Lizards' Invasion should have been open , but the rain fell into question the line up. Once ascertained the passage of bad weather and having to greet the performance of the Lizards (we hope to see you soon!), From 23 to 24 the Mamuthones formed by Alessio Gastaldello (voice, synth), Francesco Lovison (synth), Matteo Polato (guitars) Andrea Davì (drums, percussions) stirred up the stage...

Read the rest here: Gli Stati Generali
