23 Jun 2016

"Evoking the majesty and terror of exploring outer space." Narc reviews The Capsule

Narc Magazine reviews Necro Deathmort's The Capsule:

After several EPs that have dabbled with dystopian techno, Necro Deathmort plunge further into heady electronics on their latest full-length The Capsule.

With their lumbering guitars and screams of previous releases consigned for now, The Capsule flits between intense arpeggiator workouts and moments of lingering, chilling calm. In Waves and First Rays make for a striking opening duo, evoking the majesty and terror of exploring outer space, but it’s the more thoughtful and slow-moving pieces that both diverge the furthest from Necro Deathmort’s previous work and also impress the most.

Crux taps into the same John Carpenter vibes as the last Boards of Canada album, while the slowly enveloping waves of closer Screens makes for a suitably foreboding end credit roll.

See in full here: Narc
