29 Apr 2010
Invada Records - Pre-Order Gnod / White Hills LP

Rocket friends Invada Records have kindly added the Gnod / White Hills LP to their Record Store:
To order and view other items, follow these links:
28 Apr 2010
Rocket Probes April 2010 Playlist

Sunburned Hand of the Man – Jaybird
(Thank to Paddy Gnod for turning us on to this grooved out psych monster of an album, can’t believe never heard this before!!!)
Sun Araw – On Patrol
(Even more dubbed out than previous releases...has a bit of a Count Ossie and the Rasta family feel to it at times)
People of the North – Deep Tissue
(Four great psych driven tracks from this Oneida side project by Fat Bobby and Kid Millions)
Algarnas Tradgard – Famtiden ar ett Svavande Skepp, Foorankrat I Forntiden
(Great 1972 album from Sweden...imagine if International Harvester set up their commune in Germany and invited Popol Vuh over to live with them...well it may of sounded like this)
Kid Millions – Man Forever
(What..... two records by one of our favourite drummers in this months playlist!!!!)
Faust - Rien
(94 comeback album featuring the 15 minute long trance drone-rock epic 'Listen To The Fish' )
Afflicated Man - Get Stoned Ezy
(This British (80's) blown-out psych-punk speed monster has been mentioned to sound like 'Saint Vitus' covering 'Les Rallizes Denudes', throw in 'Human Instinct' & 'The Heads' & I might agree)
Harmony Of The Spheres - VA
(Compilation of tracks all over 18 minutes long, Includes cuts by Flying Saucer Attack, Jessamine, and Bardo Pond's 'Sangh Seriatim', which is why it features on this months playlist - a nice slow tripped out feedback drone-drenched workout)
German Oak - S/T
(Heavy Krautrock recorded in an old WWII bunker, dark, damaged and ominous rumblings)
German Oak - S/T
(Heavy Krautrock recorded in an old WWII bunker, dark, damaged and ominous rumblings)
Simply Saucer - Cyborgs Revisited
(Canadian proto-punk psychedelia with splashes of electronics)
23 Apr 2010
22 Apr 2010
Nothing is...

Rocket Recordings and Walls have Ears present:
Nothing is...
(A night of cosmic sounds)
Cage and Aviary (Wall have Ears/DFA)
Little Dirty (Lithe Recordings)
Rik Motor (Rocket Recordings)
The Alibi / 91 Kingsland High Street, Dalston, London E8 2PB
Friday 14th May
8pm – 3am
Free entry
Nothing is...
(A night of cosmic sounds)
Cage and Aviary (Wall have Ears/DFA)
Little Dirty (Lithe Recordings)
Rik Motor (Rocket Recordings)
The Alibi / 91 Kingsland High Street, Dalston, London E8 2PB
Friday 14th May
8pm – 3am
Free entry
13 Apr 2010
New Teeth of the Sea tracks to be premièred on Resonance FM Session on Saturday 17th

Teeth of the Sea will be premiering brand new material from their forthcoming new album on a live session on Dexter Bentleys show on Resonance FM, this Saturday (April 17th).
More info can be found here
Notorious Hi-Fi Killers play - Time & Space Machine Official Album Launch

LIVE: Notorious Hi-Fi Killers
DJS: Richard Norris + Leo Zero + Luke Insect + Wild Cat Will
SCREENING: More (rare Pink Floyd Psych film)
Friday 16th April / 7pm – 4am / Free Entry
The CAMP, 70 - 74 City Rd, London, EC1Y 2BJ
12 Apr 2010
7 Apr 2010
Quietus announces Stag & Dagger Stage - Teeth of the Sea confirmed

Live At The Fillmore
10/31/81 CD Presents 2010
First things first, when I agreed to write this review section for the Rocket blog it was never my intention to review music that is only available in digital format. Then the people at CD Presents decide to go on a release campaign of digital download only albums that span the career of the label (more information on that can be found here http://tinyurl.com/y8fkgk7 . These releases include albums from the label's inception and many previous unreleased gems, this live FLIPPER album being one of them.
FLIPPER was an anomaly in the San Francisco Punk Scene. At a time when hardcore started to take over the underground scene in California the norm was to write faster and shorter songs, FLIPPER stood out in the scene employing loose, repetitive, and hypnotic songs. This live recording from 1981 opening up for PiL in San Francisco is a prime example of the genius of this band.
This 21+ minute set is rapturous from beginning to end. Opening up with an instrumental jam, FLIPPER sets the pace for one damaged and compelling album. I mean think about it. what other punk band would do something so unpopular in the scene at that time? I can't think of one. This dirge of psycho punk drone is a simple riff of chords descending down a scale.all of 1:40 long the jam deteriorates as fast as it starts. What a way to wave two fingers up to everyone.first the punks by the nature of a punk band jamming and then to the SF rock royalty by not noodling on for hours on end.
Out of the mess of the opening track comes Sacrifice. A mid-tempo moronic repetitive riff. Straight on, the pounding drums and bass led guitar genius Ted Falconi do what he does best.make his guitar bleed all over the song. As if Sacrifice isn't slow enough, the band takes it down another step with Survivors of the Plague. Squalling feedback, out of tunes guitars, moronic mantra vocals soar over the sticky soup of hypno-punk bliss. Life, another drone punk scorcher, ends the set and is the only track from this performance that appeared on their debut album Generic. The other two tracks made it on to their 2nd release Gone Fishing in 1984. There is an overall feeling from this recording that at any given moment the performance will completely deteriorate into utter chaos, amazing!
If you will only ever buy one thing on iTunes I suggest this be it. Feed your inner moron, it's only
$3.99 and is well worth every penny. The digital booklet comes with extensive liner notes about the band and the show. It's a document of an era past and sounds just as fresh today as it did in 1981.
More information on FLIPPER can be found here: http://www.flipperrules.com/
and on CD presents here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/CD-Presents/328663055567
Dave W (White Hills)
6 Apr 2010
Incoming Transmissions

Rocket - Mission Control receive the first incoming transmissions for:
BBC 6 Music will be transmitting for a single week on the FREAKZONE
& a great review at Terrascope online (April 2010)
The latest extension of the international hand of friendship pitches our favourite New Yorkers with Manchester space rangers Gnod on 8 tracks grouped into 4 phases.
Deceptively quiet opener “Bits” soon gives way to what will become a trademark groove on “Run-A Round”. There’s a word for this type of repetitive, hypnotic beat music, it begins with “K” and it’s overused to the point where it transcends laziness, so let’s call it “stoner trance”. Hell, call it what you want, this is plain magnificent from end to end. “Spaced Man” is a 13 minute test of both one’s stamina and sanity. To put it plainly, the first 8 minutes or so are delightfully moronic. Pedestrian, yes, predictable, certainly and quite possibly turgid and it works wonderfully, complete with the Hawkwind-style oscillators (and I’m nothing if not a sucker for oscillators). The last 5 minutes dispense with the drums and the Neanderthal riffing and what you are left with is the basic track, a harmonious wash of sound to hold your hand through the comedown. “Well Hang” is a bit on an odd man out whereon The Exorcist meets a mad bongo tapper on a journey to the outer limits. “Drop Out” pitches us back into a righteous Hawkwind groove circa “In Search of Space” (spookily, as I heard this for the first time in the car I was being sent down a diversion due to road works which took me along an unfamiliar lane and past a bungalow with the house name “Hawkwind”. Sometimes you really can’t script this stuff). “Per Sempre” winds things up beautifully – it’s like the first few guitar notes of “The End” by the Doors played on an endless loop but as it progresses it becomes subtly more intricate until what you end up with is a mesmerising and compelling 15 minute meditation.
I really can’t rate this too highly. With a General Election coming up and the scraps being fought over by an increasingly bereft and moribund looking bunch I’d give my vote to whoever is prepared to insist that this be played at all morning school assemblies and broadcast forcibly over the contents of Glee, Plop Idol, X Factor or whatever else happens to be poisoning our collective cultural psyche at the time.
Vote White Hills and in Gnod we trust. Gear! (Ian Fraser)
5 Apr 2010
Jupiter & Beyond The Infinite
1 Apr 2010
Teeth of the Sea to support Ben Frost

Ben Frost
Teeth Of The Sea
Part Wild Horses Mane On Both Sides
The Luminaire - Sunday 30th May
Frost is probably most widely recognised for his experimental music drawing widely on influences of minimalism, post-punk, black metal and noise best demonstrated on the 2007 release "Theory of Machines"
Teeth of the Sea - dark psychedelia, takes you from a Morricone western, to an Acid Mother's wig out.
Part Wild Horses Mane on Both Sides - flute and drums duo sometimes roar, otherwise hypnotically tribal.
£9 in advance / £11 on the door
The Luminaire
311 Kilburn
High Road
020 7372 7123
This is Earth Calling......
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