Wednesday 21st January
"4/5 - Here's a vinyl only stopgap of radio sessions to whet your appetite for the second album, due next year, from our premier psychedelic swap-rock torchbearers, The Notorious Hi-Fi Killers. A steroid-enhanced rip through the 13th Floor Elevators' Reverberation (Doubt) evidences the group's familiarity with acid rock's first wave, but the superdense, late-1980s sounds of Spacemen 3 and Loop have been snaffled along the way, and burnished with battery-acid blues licks. This heady mix sounds as if it was sunbaked somewhere on the Texas border, but in fact it percolated up through the drizzle of south London. And there's more coming soon."Sunday Times Culture Magazine
"8/10 - ...the final victims are The Notorious Hi Fi Killers who have emerged from South East London with their debut album ‘Which Side Are You On?’, a psychedelic mixed bag of a record that crosses so many genres it is hard to know where to place it. The album starts with a fuzzy ‘Dragonaut-esque’ bass and vocal sound that is totally turned on it’s head as the album moves through the bluesy garage rock of tracks like ‘Lost In The Modern World’ to tracks like ‘Don’t Wanna Know’ that have a spoken word Motorhead feel to them. All this variety leaves little room for boredom and is either a source of pure genius or the product of a talented band with ADD."Terrorizer
"4/5 - These south London compatriots of Part Chimp, Duke Garwood and Alexander Tucker – all of whom guest here – finally kick out some biker-psych power trio jams in the studio. Mondo heavy blues collide with superfuzz space rockers, culminating in the heroically dilated Near The Final Destination."Mojo
"Imagine MC5 taking a stab at Spacemen 3 or Blue Cheer doing Loop and you're close to what London's The Notorious Hifi Killers offer up on their debut album. "Which Side Are You On?" will be coming out on Rocket Recordings, a label whose pedigree you can trust when it comes to blown-out psych and burly fuzz. The band has a killer, fuzzed-out guitar sound propelling their heavy-blues edge, but they also sport a primal rock-n-roll /stoned / psychedelic side. The track "Near The Final Destination" is a stellar example of the Hifi Killer's take on psychedelic bliss -- thanks to the added assistance of Alexander Tucker, Duke Garwood and members of Part Chimp, while "Queen O' Fuck and "Don't Want To Know" showcase their penchant for ferocious biker-punk anthems."Roadburn